www.devranj.com is committed to deliver your order with good quality packaging within given time frame. We ship throughout the week, except Sunday & Public holidays. To ensure that your order reaches you in good condition, in the shortest span of time, we ship through reputed Transport and Courier companies only. See list below for our approved SHIPPING PARTNERS (FedEx – Economy / Express, VRL Logistics, KPN Speed Parcel, ABT Parcel Service, Navata Transport, KRS Roadways, DTDC – Surface, ST Courier, Parveen Express, Trackon Courier. If there is no courier service available in your area, we will ship your items via India Post – Registered Parcel or EMS as the last option.
We are committed to delivering your order accurately, in good condition, and always on time.
Based on the nature of the products that we have, we have designed a multi tiered shipping policy that is designed exclusively in your best interests.
Order Processing & Transit Time
We are committed to shipping your orders within 24 to 48 hours after receipt of your payment. Transit time to your shipping address depends primarily on it’s geographical location, the efficiency of Shipping Company chosen and the effect of force majeur conditions prevalent at that time. If you require any assistance in understanding our Shipping Policy please do not hesitate to contact our office at [email protected] or +91-9677754111
Shipping Policy
- We can currently deliver to more than 3000+ cities and towns across India and also to overseas countries
- Delivery times could range from 1 to 7 days depending on the locations. Certain ODA locations which are difficult to reach, the delivery time could extend upto 12 days also. Please contact our office at [email protected] or +91-9677754111 for more details
- We ship on all week days (Monday to Saturday), excluding public holidays.
- To ensure that your order reaches you in the fastest time and in good condition, we only ship through reputed Shipping Partners as seen in the list above
- While we shall endeavor to ship all items in your order together, this may not always be possible due to certain product characteristics or last minute stock deletion. In such cases, we may ship the order in more than one shipment at different dates.
- The packaging standards we adopt is one of the best in the industry to ensure that your goods are adequately water proofed and tamper proofed till it reaches the destination.
You may track shipping status of your orders on the respective Shipping Company’s websites.