To cancel an order, write to us on Whatsapp : +91-8870664249. An order can be cancelled any time before your package is shipped out from our office.
We accept returns only in the case of any manufacturing defects. Any such problem problem has to be notified to us within 2 days from the date of receipt of the package at your end. To initiate an exchange you can write to us on Whatsapp : +91-8870664249 with photos / evidence of the product defects.
You will almost always never find a quality issue since we supply only fresh and clean goods. But if you do, we would be glad to refund or exchange the same once the defective product is verified on receipt at our address which will be communicated to you on Whatsapp.
The return garments need be packed properly as received along with all the trims and accessories (back support, clips, tags, buttons, laces, etc.). Worn, dirtied or damaged articles will not be accepted. Shipping the goods back to our address is your responsibility. The GST incurred will be refunded only if a return invoice is raised by the customer on us. And such customers should have a valid GST number. The cost of returning the goods to be borne by the customer.
Any damages caused during return transit will not be paid for by us.
Please ensure that you write our complete office / godown address on the returned parcel along with our phone number.
Ensure that you retain one copy of our invoice and the proof of dispatch (issued by your Courier Service. Provider).
To cancel an order, write to us on Whatsapp : +91-8870664249. An order can be cancelled any time before your package is shipped out from our office.
We accept returns only in the case of any manufacturing defects. Any such problem problem has to be notified to us within 2 days from the date of receipt of the package at your end. To initiate an exchange you can write to us on Whatsapp : +91-8870664249 with photos / evidence of the product defects.
You will almost always never find a quality issue since we supply only fresh and clean goods. But if you do, we would be glad to refund or exchange the same once the defective product is verified on receipt at our address which will be communicated to you on Whatsapp.
The return garments need be packed properly as received along with all the trims and accessories (back support, clips, tags, buttons, laces, etc.). Worn, dirtied or damaged articles will not be accepted. Shipping the goods back to our address is your responsibility. The GST incurred will be refunded only if a return invoice is raised by the customer on us. And such customers should have a valid GST number. The cost of returning the goods to be borne by the customer.
Any damages caused during return transit will not be paid for by us.
Please ensure that you write our complete office / godown address on the returned parcel along with our phone number.
Ensure that you retain one copy of our invoice and the proof of dispatch (issued by your Courier Service. Provider).